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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The Ordo A∴A∴ in Albion operates out of the United Kingdom, but accepts students worldwide. Physical meetings are infrequent and the work is largely solitary. All students must be of the age of majority in their country of residence, i.e. at least 18 in the UK.


There are many A∴A∴ branches out there, each with its distinct culture and tone, let each aspirant attach himself to that link which best suits the needs of his soul.

“He who is fit is joined to the chain, perhaps often where he thought least likely, and at a point of which he knew nothing himself. To become fit should be the sole effort of him who seeks wisdom”. An Account of A∴A∴

All interested parties may contact the Cancellarius to request admission into the first grade of the Order, that of student. All other inquiries will be answered  as time permits.


The Cancellarius can be contacted at the following address:

We also have a presence on Facebook, and can be found at the following:


Love is the law, love under will.

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