Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Ordo A∴A∴ in Albion professes the above duel-lineage:
Since the death of Frater Saturnus, there has been no ruling triad overseeing the entirety of the A∴A∴, despite various attempts to assume such authority. The A∴A∴ has consistently demonstrated resilience to human efforts at control, evolving organically according to its own principles. The strict and private teacher-to-student method of transmission has naturally divided the Order into distinct lines of descent, now referred to as lineages. Consequently, tracing the origin and authenticity of a given link can often be challenging, if not impossible. To address this, we have chosen a semi-public approach to lineage disclosure, allowing enquirers to verify our origins while safeguarding the privacy of our members. However, we never reveal the identities of living members to the public.
Regarding authenticity, we opt to follow the lead of Fr O.M. in this matter:
“The Brothers of the A∴A∴ refuse none. They have no objection to anyone claiming to be of themselves. If he does so, let him abide by it”. Liber LXXI III:24
We recognise that the Order is One, and that there is One Eye in the Triangle: the Light of the World, V.V.V.V.V. We also maintain that since Frater O.M. made the teachings of the A∴A∴ public, any given individual or group may forge a functional link with the Supernal Order; the A∴A∴ proper, exactly as we done by Crowley and Jones over 100 years ago. Let success be their proof.
Love is the law, love under will.
Blogs and other links:
Formless Fire: the blog and other ruminations of Frater Pertinax