A note for Students (on the nature and methods of A∴A∴ in Albion)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The student phase, three months from the time of first contact, is something of a time of winnowing, where the student gets time to think and read, and we have a chance to get to know the applicant. Not all proceed after this stage, but that is the point, since to proceed to the Probationer grade and subsequently withdraw is is a lifetime bar to readmission. Once only does the Great Order knock on any one door.
One important aspect of the student grade is that passing gives the right to be proven. This is not a matter of pass or fail, but is to gauge the students current understanding and their willingness to work. Nobody is expected to know it all before they even start, but a good grounding in the language of the Order is necessary and expected.
Those students who complete the examination, demonstrate a certain amount of sincerity and may be invited to take the oath of a Probationer. It is here that the challenges really begin. At this point we really get to know the student, and they their supervisor. Any points of potential friction may emerge, it is best to consider these as rough spots requiring work if the individual intends to work under a supervisor, so they should be considered points of potential growth rather than flaws or irreconcilable differences. When polishing steel it is the rough spots that first stand out to the polisher, and which require the most work.
The student has only one task: to study the reading list. Probationers must keep a journal but may do any practices they see fit in addition to their formal tasks, and no more than this will be asked of them. Neophytes are held to higher standards still and their work is both more complex and demanding, as is fitting for those who may be asked to take on Probationers and carry the Order to the next generation. Leniency in matters of quality are to the detriment of the whole Order, not least the candidate him or herself.
Aspirants of whatever grade are expected to know their tasks and be self-directed from the start, although each can confer with a supervisor should the need for clarity arise.
Should this seem overly strict, know that while the bars for advancement are firm, the way these are approached is entirely down to the student. Whilst the fundamentals must be known in order to assist those who follow after, how you approach your own path is between you and the nameless One who is your real teacher.

Since this page is primarily aimed at potential students, the Imperator of A∴A∴ in Albion has determined to make the conditions of studentship clear, so that there can be no doubt as to what is expected.
After initial contact, the student has as much time as she likes to complete the reading, we expect nothing from her at all and will leave her to her willed task, giving a date after which she may apply for examination.
When she feels that she is ready, at any time after three months, the student may apply for examination. Nor will we push any student, each must work out her own path and the conditions of life sometimes preclude formal initiation for a time. We encourage such aspirants to await patiently such time as they may be able to procure the necessary freedom to carry out the work to their, and our satisfaction.
Consultation with the Chancellor is encouraged, should any questions arise regarding the examination. However we will not initiate contact with any student.
Due to the workload of the Cancellarius, we we operate on a first come, first served basis regarding assessments and assignment of probationers to neophytes. We will not chase inactive students but pass on, such aspirants may resume studentship at any time by notifying the Chancellor or submitting a completed examination.
Since the student grade is unofficial, membership at this grade does not prohibit the individual from applying to other lineages of the A∴A∴, the student is free of all obligation, but one may only legitimately become a Probationer in one lineage.
Love is the law, love under will.
V.H. Fr M∴ 6=5
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