Even as white light is dispersed by a prism into its constituent colours, we acknowledge that there is one spectrum of consciousness that constitutes an “imperceptible order,” an “eternal order,” or “the invisible order that has no name among men.”
We recognise that a system of ascending consciousness, approximating this spectrum of consciousness, is established as a curriculum for those whose will it is to move upwards in frequency within the invisible array. This curriculum is commonly titled The Great White Brotherhood, known as the A∴A∴. This Order has existed in all ages and societies where men and women have sought truth, but has seldom been named or known.
The A∴A∴ is a spiritual Order dedicated to the advancement of humanity through individual progress through a graded system of attainment. It has a curriculum which it teaches and tests, and offers initiation to those who attain by its methods.
The A∴A∴ as it exists today was founded by Fratres O.M. (Aleister Crowley) and D.D.S. (George Cecil Jones) in 1907. Through the years the Order has grown and developed along several branching lines or descent. The A∴A∴ in Albion is one such branch.
The A∴A∴ is run along wholly spiritual lines, being based on the tradition of teacher-student transmission, those who are initiated as such are linked to the eternal chain. The Great Work is open to all who sincerely seek after L.V.X, and the N.O.X. which lies beyond.
The A∴A∴ aims to facilitate this work by giving structure, discipline, and guidance from those who have gone before. We invite all who are similarly disposed to cooperate with us in a spirit of fraternity, as we apply ourselves to the work of realising the Quintessence, the Stone of the Wise, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.
Our Imprimatur:
Love is the law, love under will.